Share your music streaming data

FairMusE Portal

Many people say that music streaming services are unfair, and that algorithms makes it even more unfair. In the EU research project “Fair MusE” we actually want to examine this question – with your help! You can help by sharing your music streaming data with the research project.

By analysing your data, and by comparing it with data from 1000 other users across Europe, we hope to be able to find out how the recommendation algorithms work, and find out whether streaming can be more fair.

If you are ready to help, follow these steps:

1. Choose your streaming service and ask for your data (see instructions below for specific streaming services)

2. Wait for the data to get ready for download

3. Upload the data to this portal 

4. See your music habits: Explore the diversity and fairness of your listening s

We do not share your data or in any way attribute your information to you. Your personal data is used only within the Fair MusE project. We abide by GDPR for the secure storage and processing of your information. 

Get Started: Ask for your data


What are your thoughts on fairness and music? Share your thoughts with us!


Tell us how you find new music and how different or similar it should be to your preferences.

See your music

Explore visualisations of your listening habits and see how diverse your listening is.